Computing is an ever-changing world, how we develop, connect, and secure it is as well.

Connecting to the cyber world becomes a series of mindful tasks, from the browser to the operating system and the hundreds of networks in-between. As we work through the day to day digital channels of the internet, it makes sense to consider the variables that surround us.

Information about scientific topics in cyberspace and the cloud infrastructure in between will be illuminated through this publication.

You will find various topics around primary subjects considered in modern computing from Applications to Information Security including Cybersecurity and Chaos Engineering. All of the mindfulness that can be found in available information will be statically transcribed for consideration.

Wikipedia says, ‘The bit is the most basic unit of information in computing and digital communication.’ so in this consideration, the replicative and unique bits here that contribute to a byte, will illuminate the knowledge required to progress in this digitally synthetic world.

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Feel free to mention, describe, and suggest any information to improve via [email protected], with Signal, or on X. All ideas and feedback are welcome through a respectful medium.

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You never know what you may find until you start looking, the rest you can find at #BitsbytheByte, all advice is temporal. #Applications #InformationSecurity #Cybersecurity #ChaosEngineering
